Whether it’s your first time in church, new to the area, visiting or whether you are considering coming back to church after a time away, we’re glad you’re here. All are welcome.
You might be on our page considering booking a wedding, baptism or a funeral, researching the times of one of our regular services or seeking somewhere that is going to feed you spiritually.
You might be looking for a new place to be with God and worship, for help and advice on your journey through life, friends and fellowship or a place to pray.
You might feel excited, nervous, joyful, embarrassed, shy or confident.
That’s ok. You are welcome. This page should answer some of your questions and help you take the next steps on your journey.
Say hello!
Say ‘hello’! We are a friendly bunch and we will want to say ‘hello’ to you! We want you to feel comfortable so you can enjoy being here. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re not sure what to do!
Introduce yourself!
Introduce yourself to the priest after the service. We have several clergy in our team, so you may see different faces from time to time, but they will all want to make you welcome.
Holy Communium
If you usually receive Holy Communion (the blessed bread and wine) then you are welcome to do so in our churches. If you don’t, there is no need to feel anxious. Come up with your order of service and the priest will know to give you a blessing instead.
Do you have children?
Jesus held children up as an example we should follow if we want to see God’s kingdom. We understand that children run around and make noise, so please don’t worry. We are simply delighted that you brought them. We sometimes have special ‘Messy Church’ events for families. Come along!
Ask us anything!
If there is anything we can do to help please don’t hesitate to ask either in person at church on the day, or via our contact form.

Some people were Baptised / Christened when they were a baby. Others are waiting for the right moment to make that commitment. We are all individuals on our own journey and no matter when we hear Christ calling everyone brings a wealth of experience and gifts which the Church treasures.
In baptism people make promises to live faithfully as Christians and they are welcomed into God’s family, the Church.
If you are considering baptism for you or your family we can help. Please contact us.
For many who were baptised as infants confirmation is an opportunity for them to own the faith themselves when they are old enough. For others it is a chance to reengage with church and reinvigorate their faith later in life. Confirmation usually involves a course of study and encourages the baptised to maturity of faith.
If you feel the Holy Spirit is encouraging you to receive confirmation then please contact us so we can help you.
Talking to God - Spend time with Jesus. However and whenever you need to.
The Mass, Holy Eucharist, or The Lord’s Supper is the special meal Jesus gave us. In it we receive Jesus in the words of the Bible, and in the sacramental sign of Bread and Wine. Jesus gives himself to us and sends us out into the world with his Good News for all people. You are most welcome to our Churches.
Meet Jesus and learn about Jesus’ deeds, his teachings and what he did to save us. Listen for his voice and discern his will for your life. If you need advice where to start with reading the Bible, do contact us.
We can all have questions on our journey. We often run study and discipleship courses so that no matter what stage we are at on our journey we can continue to grow with Jesus. Contact us to learn more.
Find direction, nurture and fruitfulness in your relationship with God with spiritual conversation and accompaniment. We can help.
We offer service times, events, locations and communities to suit everyone. Please join us on a Sunday or during the week.
Our four lovely churches here in South and West Yorkshire offer something for everyone. We look forward to welcoming you.
We’re a really friendly and down to earth bunch so do get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.